Function, Role, and Influence on Perception and Decision-Making
In the realm of Indian philosophy and psychology, चित्त (Chitta) is a crucial concept, often regarded as the repository of the mind’s subconscious workings. It plays a vital role in shaping one’s perception of reality and influencing decisions, thoughts, and emotions. चित्त is not just a passive storehouse; it actively engages with experiences, shaping the individual’s worldview. In this article, we will delve into the function and role of चित्त, specifically focusing on its capacity to store memories, स्मृति (Smriti), and how it influences perception and decision-making.
Table Of Content
- Function, Role, and Influence on Perception and Decision-Making
- Understanding चित्त (Chitta)
- Function of चित्त: Smृति (Retention of Past Experiences)
- The Process of Smriti
- Role of चित्त: Storing Memories and Impressions
- 1. Samskaras: The Root of Behavior and Perception
- 2. Influencing Perception and Decision-Making
- Example: Recalling Past Encounters and Determining the Present
- Purification of चित्त: Overcoming the Influence of Negative Samskaras
- Methods of Purification
- Conclusion: Understanding चित्त and its Impact on Our Lives
- Related Posts
Understanding चित्त (Chitta)
In the yogic and Vedantic traditions, the चित्त is considered a part of the mind that is responsible for memory, consciousness, and the storehouse of experiences. While the मनस् (Manas) is the active mind, responsible for processing thoughts and emotions in real-time, चित्त works in the background, storing स्मृति (memories) and संस्कार (impressions) from past experiences.
चित्त is also often associated with the subconscious mind in modern psychology, as it holds onto memories and impressions from past encounters, even those we are not consciously aware of. These memories and impressions shape how we perceive the present moment, influencing our responses, judgments, and actions.
Function of चित्त: Smृति (Retention of Past Experiences)
The primary function of चित्त is स्मृति (Smriti), which refers to the retention and recall of past experiences, actions, thoughts, and feelings. These stored memories, often in the form of संस्कार (samskaras) or mental impressions, are like mental imprints that shape our subconscious reactions and perceptions.
The Process of Smriti
When we encounter an object, event, or situation, our चित्त draws upon past experiences to inform our understanding and response. These experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant, create samskaras that are deeply ingrained in the mind. When a similar situation arises in the present, the mind tends to recall (or smriti) the earlier impression, and this influences our judgment, feelings, and decisions.
In simple terms, चित्त acts as a memory bank, constantly influencing our actions based on past experiences. This process helps in survival and decision-making but can also create biases, fears, and repetitive patterns if not understood and addressed.
Role of चित्त: Storing Memories and Impressions
One of the most significant roles of चित्त is its capacity to store and preserve स्मृति (memories) and संस्कार (impressions). This storage process is not limited to conscious memories but extends to subtle, unconscious impressions that we may not always be aware of.
1. Samskaras: The Root of Behavior and Perception
संस्कार (samskaras) are the deep-seated mental impressions that influence our behavior, desires, and actions. These impressions are not just intellectual but emotional and spiritual residues from past actions and experiences. They are created through repeated actions, thoughts, and feelings, which are then stored in the चित्त.
For example, if an individual has had a traumatic experience with a particular event, such as a car accident, the mental impression created by this experience will be stored in their चित्त as a samskara. The next time they encounter a similar situation (such as being in a car or seeing a car crash on TV), their चित्त will recall this memory and trigger a response, such as fear, anxiety, or discomfort.
This process explains why our past experiences continue to shape how we view the world, often without our conscious awareness. The चित्त carries not only pleasant and positive experiences but also negative ones, which can cloud perception and decision-making if not properly understood or cleared.
2. Influencing Perception and Decision-Making
Our perception of the world is shaped by the impressions stored in the चित्त. These impressions influence how we see, interpret, and react to new experiences. For instance, someone who has had a positive experience with a particular place or person will likely approach similar situations with a sense of comfort and trust. On the other hand, someone who has had negative experiences might approach the same situations with caution, fear, or skepticism.
This influence on perception extends to decision-making as well. The चित्त stores the past experiences that guide us when making choices, often leading us to act in ways that align with our previous patterns of thinking or behavior. Whether these decisions are based on rational thought or emotional reaction, they are deeply tied to the memories and impressions stored within the चित्त.
Example: Recalling Past Encounters and Determining the Present
A classic example of how चित्त functions is found in the ancient yogic texts, particularly in the analogy of the rope and snake. Imagine you are walking in a dimly lit room and see a coil lying on the ground. Your चित्त immediately recalls the memory of a past experience where you saw a snake in a similar setting, and because of that memory, it triggers a fear response. However, upon closer inspection, you realize that the object is just a rope and not a snake at all.
- Explanation:
In this scenario, the चित्त has recalled the memory of a snake (a past experience) and projected that fear onto the rope. The past experience, stored as a संस्कार (samskara) in the subconscious, influences your perception, even though the present situation may be different.
This example demonstrates how the mind, influenced by the चित्त, can sometimes misinterpret or distort reality based on past impressions. It is only by clearing or transforming the impressions in the चित्त through self-awareness, meditation, and spiritual practices that one can begin to see reality more clearly, free from the biases of past memories.
Purification of चित्त: Overcoming the Influence of Negative Samskaras
To attain higher levels of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, it is essential to purify the चित्त. By doing so, one can break free from the limiting effects of past संस्कार (samskaras) and perceive the world with greater clarity, objectivity, and wisdom.
Methods of Purification:
Meditation (ध्यान):
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for purifying the चित्त. By practicing meditation, one can calm the mind, bring awareness to unconscious thought patterns, and begin to clear the accumulated impressions.Self-Inquiry (आत्म-चिन्तन):
Asking oneself fundamental questions like “Who am I?” or “What is the nature of my mind?” helps bring awareness to the subconscious mind, allowing the individual to confront and resolve old impressions.Mindfulness (स्मृति):
Cultivating mindfulness in daily life, being fully present in each moment, and observing thoughts and reactions without attachment can gradually purify the चित्त, leading to more balanced perceptions and decisions.Yoga and Breathing Techniques (प्राणायाम):
Yogic practices, including breathing exercises, help balance the energies of the body and mind, which directly influences the purification of the चित्त.
Conclusion: Understanding चित्त and its Impact on Our Lives
In the quest for self-realization and enlightenment, understanding the role of चित्त (memory/subconscious mind) is crucial. The चित्त is the storehouse of all past experiences, memories, and impressions that influence our perceptions and decision-making. By purifying the चित्त through spiritual practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and mindfulness, one can begin to overcome the negative influences of past संस्कार (samskaras) and develop a clearer, more conscious understanding of reality.
Ultimately, the journey of spiritual growth involves purifying the चित्त, shedding old memories and impressions, and learning to see the world with a fresh perspective. When the चित्त is clear, the mind becomes more attuned to truth, wisdom, and enlightenment, leading to inner peace and a deeper connection with the divine.